Ajeltake at Sunset

Ajeltake at Sunset
On the Laura side of the Island



Friday, May 18, 2012

Some Pictures from Ebon, Nosie's home

I reached over to straighten my keyboard the other day and almost touched this!  Yikes, I had Elder Perkins catch it in an envelope and let it go outside. I don't want to kill the spiders because they eat the other bugs.  President Shaw said that it was just a baby and we should feed it so it can grow!

It rained all day today which was fabulous.  We have been in a drought here for a few weeks and the water in all of the catchments is really low.  Our apartment complex has a desalination pump and it has been running a lot to try to keep up with the water needs of our complex.  But, it tastes suspiciously like the ocean to us!  We have been buying bottled water to be safe.  However, today after raining for hours, it already tastes like water again, instead of something that came out of the bottom of a water softener unit.

This is a little boy going after a snack.  The pandanus fruit is huge and comes off in sections that you chew and suck on.  It really is like a paint brush dipped in Orange juice.  I like it, even though it takes some getting used to.  Look at the machete in his hand in the top picture; it is hard to see unless you look for it.  This fruit has to be chopped down and then chopped apart. 

This picture is on the outer island Ebon; Elder Emmett just returned and shared some of his pictures.  This looks like a bakery to me.  They are making donuts.
Air Marshall,(We call it Air Maybe) lands in a grass field on Ebon.  If they haven't cut the grass, it won't land and returns to Majuro.  The Elders that go to these outer islands don't get mail until they are transfered back to Majuro or Ebeye- sometimes as much as six months.Here they are building a house.  Not everyone lives in these huts, some are in houses.  Nosie is from Ebon and her parents still live there.  She loves Ebon as do the Elders who serve there.  Elder Emmett told me he would spend his whole mission there if he could.This is Nosie, my tutor and my friend.  I will miss her the most after I leave.

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