Ajeltake at Sunset

Ajeltake at Sunset
On the Laura side of the Island



Thursday, May 26, 2011

Zone Conference

We just had a great Zone Conference with the missionaries.  Elder and Sister Nielsen of the Area Presidency came and spoke to us and toured the mission with President and Sister Shaw.  The senior sisters all cooked for hours to made a huge dinner for the missionaries at the conference.  We used a recipe for a "Cafe Rio" dinner and they loved it.  We actually made so many Snickerdoodles that they couldn't eat them all.  We made almost 400 cookies and it was rediculous to see how many of them they actually consumed. 
Elder and Sister Nielsen spoke to us several times within two days and it almost made up for missing Women's Conference this year.  They were such excellent speakers and they brought an abundance of the Spirit.  We had a fireside for investigators on the last night they were here, and the Chapel was filled to overflowing.  It is great to see how the church is growing in leaps and bounds here.  What a marvelous experience to be able to be part of this!  Elder Nielsen told us that we were on the ground floor of the church here.  He said we were working with the early leaders of the church in this area so  we are rubbing shoulders with the "Brigham Youngs and Wilford Woodruffs" of the Marshall Islands.

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