Ajeltake at Sunset

Ajeltake at Sunset
On the Laura side of the Island



Saturday, April 30, 2011

May 1, 2011

Today is Fast Sunday and we just got back from church a couple of hours ago.  Fast and testimony meeting was very touching and the Spirit was strong.  It is so great to see these good people gain testimonies of the Gospel and let it change their lives.  They have so little compared to what we have at home, but they are happy and humble.  They are thrilled that we are all here to help and teach them and we are getting that opportunity.  It is so touching to know that Heavenly Father loves his children all over the world.  We got a real glimpse in the MTC when we were with missionaries going to different countries all over the world. It is a marvelous work, and we are so blessed to be here to see the miracle first hand. It is a testimony to me that this is truly the Lord’s church.  There are three different indiviuals that we met in the stores here, while we were shopping, who we referred to the young missionaries. 

We are working hard to learn the language and the young missionaries are helping us.  We thought that this is an English speaking mission…well…it’s really not.  We need to be able to communicate, and we have to have an interpreter in church.  It is amazing though, how much more we understand and can talk now, after only seven weeks.  I am writing out and learning how to bear my testimony.  Hopefully, by the next time Fast Sunday comes around, I can give a simple testimony in Marshallese.

There is so much work to do here! We are both working as hard and fast as we can. We fall in bed every night at 9:30 and wake up every morning with the morning light at 6:30.  It is so good to know that we are needed so much.

Tonight we are meeting with the Stake Presidency, and all of the Bishopric members of the stake, to receive our assignments to help the wards run the programs.  They have grown so big and fast here that there is a tremendous amount of teaching to do. 

1 comment:

  1. We love hearing of your experiences there and the work of the Lord. I check your blog all the time & love to see your new entries. I'm sure you will be blessed in your many efforts. Take care dear friends. Love, RaNelle & Ron
